Valentine's Day Special

Let Me Show You What Your Love Looks Like

This Valentine's Day why not give your love a gift that lasts a lifetime.

Let me create a custom session showcased to show you exactly what your love looks like. A session to celebrate--Valentine's Day, an anniversary, or just because you haven't done it in forever. Take a couple of hours just for the two of you--away from work, away from the kids--just to tell each other exactly how much your love means to each of you. And, I'll be there to make sure that your images reflect all of that. I can't think of a better gift this Valentine's day.

A La Carte Session Fee is $200(+gst) prints, products, and digital files purchased separately


Purchase the session and the digital files for $1200(+gst)

Just for Valentine's Day, I'll package up a pretty little box announcing your gift in a fun and fabulous way.

PS--Gentlemen, I'm not good at getting you these things last minute...the offer for a pretty little box expires February 10th. Just saying...after that you're on your own. Why not be the guy who all the others guy hate because he got the perfect gift and, at the same time, avoid the lines at the card store on the 14th? ;)


Short and Sweet Movies

