An Adventure With The Hanki Family

I first met Andrea Hanki online...before she had kids. Over time, we have become quite good friends. Despite the fact that she is infinitely cooler than I am. We met up for a little adventure in the mountains....these are quickly becoming my favourite sessions. The kind where we go out to the mountains and play. I'm headed out there again this weekend and I just can't wait!! We live in one of the most amazing places. I think it's only right to celebrate it. is Andrea's incredibly gorgeous family exploring one of my favourite spots.

I'm going to share the next set...even though they are far from perfect because they make me LAUGH UNTIL MILK COMES OUT MY NOSE. True story. For those that don't know me well, I afraid of birds. I would go so far as to call it a phobia. Bob(my husband) certainly would. When we met up, the kids were having a quick snack and dropped a sandwich. A 'campground robber' quickly decided that it would indeed like to steal that sandwich. These SUPER BRAVE kids actually fed it while I screamed even though I was a fairly safe distance away with my camera. It was ridiculously awesome. Here are some photos I made despite my extreme urge to run and hide. **notice the piece of sandwich on MARK'S HEAD???!!! Clearly, he is the bravest of them all. And, the deadpan expressions in the first image are just perfect. IMO. 

~ Dana Pugh :)


Halloween Pop-Up Studio


Back To School -- September Studio Special